Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's a Fluke!

I have just finished up six pages of a top secret project. The organizers of the Fluke anthology of comics have saved six pages for me. The book will be published and made available at the Fluke mini-comics festival in Athens, Georgia on April 4. The editors have asked contributors not to reveal their pages until six months after publication, so the panels above will be all you see for some time, unless you buy their book!

Like many of my stories, it features The Mighty Andar, an aging bald superhero who some people say resembles me, but frankly I don't see it. An interesting twist to this opportunity was that the pages of the book are square. I've never done a story in that format, but I enjoyed the challenge and the learning experience.

I almost forgot to mention that for the first time I have a co-writer on this. After reading my comics, Jared Aiosa (owner of Heroes comic shop) had an idea for my characters. He wrote up a quick outline and I took it from there.

1 comment:

Ben Villarreal said...

What's this? A limited release, top secret "Mighty Andar" story?! I must get it to complete my collection ;-)

Seriously though, congrats on the invite. That must feel pretty awesome :-)