Thursday, February 28, 2008
Drawing Them in
The Longway House
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Donut Boy/Justice League Team-up
The final version I give to Donut Boy for his room will be in color. Some of you who read this must be thinking, "I want to see a friend or family member of my own drawn into a comic story." Have no fear, I'm taking commissions. We're buying a house and we're going to be needing the money. E-mail me at for your requests.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Fanboy, Get out of the Basement: Create Your Own Comic Book
Most cartoonists draw on Bristol board, and Canson is a good brand. I've tried some of the professional comic book artist boards that have measurement lines in non-reproducible blue with mixed results. It is very handy to not have to measure out margins and panel boxes, but sometimes the quality of paper is not great. I tried a new variety put out by Canson called Fan-Boy, Get out of the Basement: Create Your Own Comic Book. It's very good quality and cheaper than many of the other brands.
The image below is a portion of a page I'm working on. You can see that the blue border lines are printed. They only show because I scanned it in color. If I had scanned it in black and white, those lines would not appear. When you are very busy with a day job and family, it's nice to cut one step out of the process.

This company makes a variety of papers like this in manga size, comic cover paper, etc. The set that I purchased has 20 sheets of 11x17" heavyweight, pure white paper art boards and also includes , 2 comic book cover sheets, 2 concept sketch pages and 4 comic book layout pages. Everything you need to plan and create your first comic book.
If you're interested in making your own comic, I'd highly recommend this set. Ordinarily they're $20, but are on sale for $12 at Dick Blick.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Super YOU! -- Draw Yourself as a Superhero

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Every Superman Needs a Lois

Monday, February 11, 2008
Cartoon Cartouche -- Draw Like an Egyptian

There have been many Mighty Andar's throughout history, including the Ancient Egyptian figure shown here. This is my example from a project in one of my fourth grade classes in which we all tried to "Draw Like an Egyptian. We studied shapes and designs in Egyptian art, and compared portraiture from this culture to human anatomy. It's fun to have the kids stand up and try to pose like this. Eyes front, but head in profile. Torso facing front, but legs in profile. Try it -- ow! Then we try to walk that way while playing that famous Bangles tune.
We all made self-portraits in the style of Ancient Egypt. We drew it within an Egyptian inspired shape and then tore around the shape in stead of cutting with scissors. We had some fun including things that we knew didn't exist in those times, but would make interesting drawings. Then we learned to write our name phonetically using hieroglyphics. There's a chart here that shows you what symbols represent what sound. This is a really good way to have students use the higher order thinking skill of translation. The drawing above reads "Mighty Andar does the laundry." and notice the laundry bottle says "owl, lips, lips" or "A-L-L". Andar's daughter dutifully carries the folded laundry away while two mischievous imps of the underworld scatter their dirty laundry on the floor. All art is autobiography.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. After making our drawings in pencil we outlined with Sharpie markers. Then we scrumpled the papers up. Yes, almost as if we were going to discard them. Then we flattened them out and painted over them with tea. Yes, tea at room temperature -- it gives it an antique look. We then colored a little with colored pencil.
There's an online hieroglyphics translator here, that's a lot of fun to try.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Family News, Art that Heals, and the Future is Here
This is an awesome hospital. They are taking very good care of him here. As I have to wander from floor to floor, I am always amazed at what nice art they have in hospitals. There are some really good original watercolors and prints. I don't know about other people, but it helps lift my spirits. Since this is a children's hospital, they have tons and tons of children's artwork on display. I am inspired to see kid's art presented in a prestigious format like this. I see it so often stapled onto bulletin boards that it is striking to see a child's expression double matted in a really nice frame. I'm thinking that I've got to figure out a way to finance some matting and framing of student work in my school.
Yesterday I was waiting for an elevator. When the door slid open my path was obstructed by a robot. I am not making this up! A robotic transport unit was delivering something from one floor to another. Can flying cars be far behind?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Fishing for Compliments

If you haven't caught on already, I am out to break any records set by artists for doing a lot of self-portraits. I believe I have passed Van Gogh, and have almost caught up with Rembrandt and Chuck Close.
Sometimes when my students are working, I sit down and do the assignment with them. For this project, I started by reading them the book Fish is Fish by Leo Lionni. If you haven't read this book, by all means do so. It is a classic. It's the story of a minnow and tadpole. The minnow grows into a fish, but is disappointed when his friend sprouts legs and leaves the pond. When his friend, now a frog, returns, he tells of a fantastic world outside the water. Based on his friend's descriptions, the fish imagines what this world must look like. His perceptions are limited by his own experience!
We have to do this because we're using the technique of crayon resist. That's when you paint over the crayon drawing with watercolor paint. The waxy image keeps popping through the layers of paint. We painted blue over our fish and underwater scenes. The blue paint beads up on the thick crayon layers. All in all, it's a neat effect for pictures like these.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Donkeys and Elephants -- The Political Scene

The second drawing is my statement about the part money plays in the political process (for both parties). It makes me sick to hear about the millions that are spent on campaigns. Think of the problems that could be solved by diverting that money directly to the problem! An individual with a personal fortune (like Mitt Romney) can spend their way to the front of the pack. For the rest of them, where does this money come from? Special interest groups -- or, individuals within those groups. Nothing will be done about the oil situation by the candidate who has received millions from that particular group! For the rest of the candidates, it's the same story. Whoever they've received tons of money from has them in their pocket.

I did the donkey sketch just after the Iowa Caucus. It was fortuitous that I ran out of room and could only write Iow -- which is almost "I owe".
I know I'm not an expert by any means. These are just the rantings of a disgruntled spectator of the political scene.